Sheila Oxspring BSc, RSHom, MIAT, PGCE
Homeopath and Allergy Therapist
Allergy Therapy
I have a special interest in allergies. Because of this I trained to become an allergy therapist at the British Institute for Allergy and Environmental Therapy
Since I qualified as an allergy therapist in 2001, I have patients have consulted me with allergies of all kinds including hay fever, eczema, food allergies, environmental allergies to chemicals, house dust mite, moulds, drugs, cosmetic etc.
Allergy therapy appears to work because allergies are tested for and then treated using desensitisation remedies which are homoeopathically prepared.
The remedies appear to remove the cause of the allergies and are therefore much more effective than merely avoiding allergens or using anti-histamines and steroids.
The Institute of Allergy and Environmental Therapy is responsible for training and registering allergy therapists who all practice allergy therapy in a similar way, using muscle testing as a means of detecting allergies, and homeopathic desensitisation as a means of treating them.